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And if you still have questions - get in touch!

Katharine Ryder Richardson Katharine Ryder Richardson

How to Offer a Settlement Agreement to an Employee While They Are Still Employed

If you are facing the possibility of needing to dismiss one or more existing employees and would like to save yourself and them the time and stress of going through an employment law procedure, it may be possible to offer them a Settlement Agreement to leave at the outset. Read on for more information.

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Katharine Ryder Richardson Katharine Ryder Richardson

Notice Clauses in Employment Contracts - how long should they be?

Notice clauses rarely get looked at until the end of employment, but if you didn’t agree the right length of notice clause for your business at the outset of the employment relationship, it can cause some real business headaches. This article sets out pointers on what to think about when agreeing the length of notice.

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Katharine Ryder Richardson Katharine Ryder Richardson

Recruiting Your First Employee - The Paperwork

You may have decided who to take on as your first employee, or have a plan to start recruiting, but how much do you know about the logistics of taking someone on? Read on to find out what you need to get in place to on-board a new employee.

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Katharine Ryder Richardson Katharine Ryder Richardson

Are You in HR Heaven or Hell?!

Do you need an HR audit? Don’t wait until you have a major employee related issue. Make sure you’re on top of your employment law duties as an employer and you stand a good chance of avoiding a costly and time consuming fall-out.

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