We look at how to keep costs down from the outset

Our Prices

Free 30 Minute Initial Call

No matter what you would like to discuss, I never charge for an initial 30 minute call. If you have an employee related concern, get in touch. I will point you in the right direction and you can make informed choices on what you would like to do from there.

Fixed Fees

I always offer a fixed fee where possible. This will usually be where the work is predictable and has no hidden surprises, such as drafting documents.

The fixed prices I offer are based on a combination of my hourly rate of £350 plus VAT, an estimation of how long a piece of work is likely to take and the size and complexity of the work. Once we have agreed a fixed price, provided there are no changes to the work that has been agreed, I stick to it.

This means as a business, you will know exactly what you are getting for your money and will be able to budget for the work in advance.

Where work is harder to predict (e.g. if it’s contentious or the situation keeps changing) it is unlikely that I would be able to offer an overall fixed fee. However, I would look to see if there are elements of the work that could be done for a fixed sum and would offer pricing based on a combination of fixed fees and my hourly rate.

Hourly Rate

My hourly rate is £350 plus VAT.

I offer work on the basis of my hourly rate when it has not been possible to offer a fixed fee (and the work entails more than the ad hoc telephone and email advice which I can offer under an Advice Package). This is likely to be needed in matters which have a contentious aspect or where the situation is fast moving and where, as a result, it’s not possible to predict what work will be required to complete the matter.

Advice Line

If you have no need for a monthly retainer, but would like to have someone available to call whenever a difficult HR type question comes up, then consider buying a pre-paid Advice Line.

You can use your Advice Line to ask general day-to-day HR type questions, where you may need a steer or a sense check on how to approach a situation at work. Advice is available by telephone and email at the following discounted rates:

5 hours - £1,650 (a saving of £100)

10 hours - £3,200 (a saving of £300)

20 hours - £6,200 (a saving of £800)

(all prices are exclusive of VAT)

If, as a result of an Advice Line call, it becomes clear that you will need additional and more involved work on a particular matter this will be handled and charged outside the pre-paid Advice Line hours.

Use your Advice Line hours whenever you want - over a month, a year or even longer! We will simply let you know once all the time has been used up, leaving you to decide whether you would like to purchase another package - it’s literally pay-as-you-go legal advice!

Monthly Retainer

If you would find it helpful to have regular monthly access to legal and HR advice so that you can ask various questions whenever they come up, then a retainer could be for you.

Call me any time with any question and use your time however you want - treat me like your in-house employment law and HR specialist! I will guide you on the best way to use my time, advise you on how to oversee your workforce on a day to day basis and inform you if it looks likely that a matter will grow and need to be dealt with separately to the retainer.

If you don’t use all your reserved time in one month, then the unused time can roll over to the following month.

Chat With Me!

I won’t ever charge for an initial call, so if you’d like to chat something through, get in touch!